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Postpone payout

If you choose to wait with one or more payouts, we will do our best to make the money grow during that time. When it's about four months until your new start date, we will contact you again. Then you will have a new opportunity to start or postpone the payout.

How would you like your payout?

Four months before your planned retirement, you can start considering how you want your payout. Whether you want to postpone it, start earlier, or make changes. We will contact you well in advance so that you have time to plan how you want it.

Here's how you postpone your payouts

When the change is processed, you will receive an email notification and a new insurance policy document to your Kivra or in your email inbox. It's not possible to both postpone your start date and make changes to the payout simultaneously. You make your changes when initiating your payou

If you defer your pension and have survivor protection linked to your insurance, it continues to apply under the previous terms. If you want to make changes to the survivor protection, you can easily do so when submitting your payout application.

If you change your mind and want to start the payout before your new start date, you can simply contact us.

Regardless of whether you want to start or defer your payout, you need to submit a notification before the 15th of each month. Don't forget to ensure that we have the correct account number for you. You submit your notification by approving it with BankID.

If you choose not to initiate a payout or make a report, or register an account number, your payout will still commence. Every month, funds will be deducted from your insurance and held by us until we receive your details.

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Survivor Protection

What happens to the pension if you die prematurely? Ensure you have the right protection for yourself and your loved ones.

Kvinna ger presentation för två personer vid bord, med whiteboard i bakgrunden

Get help from us

Do you find this confusing? Give us a call, and we'll guide you through the pension jungle.

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Consolidate the pension

Get smoother payouts and better overview with the pension consolidated in one place!

Common questions and answers

  • You can defer your payments for up to two years at a time

  • No, once the payment has started, it cannot be stopped.